


Sole proprietorship registration


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Sole proprietorship registration in Kenya

Sole proprietorship is a business owned by one (1) person where by one can trade under only one nature of business.

It takes approximately 7 business days to get the registration certificate to get to bank account opening process and start trading.



Sole proprietorship registration in Kenya


  1. 2 proposed names in order of preference. ​
  2. CLEAR copies of Identification documents​,​ KRA Pins and Passport sized photos for all stakeholders​.​
  3. The occupation information for all stakeholders and the nature of business
  4. The Telephone and Email and Postal address of each of the stakeholders and that of the business​. ​
  5. The plot number​, ​ the nearest road​, ​ the town​, ​the district and the county location of the business​. ​
  6. The residential address of each of all the stake holders. Giving the county, the locality, the estate name, house number, and nearest road / street where each resides.
  7. Your e-citizen account login credentials.

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